Types de mandat
Avant-projet, projet, dossier d’exécution et
direction architecturale (réalisation Geilinger SA)
Projet : 1990-1993
Exécution : 1994-1996
Données techniques
3’937 m2 de SBP, 22’990 m3 SIA pour une emprise
au sol de 2’380 m2
N. Favre
2,400 m2 of workshops, 1,000 m2 of warehouses, 230 PC shelter spaces, 510 m2 administrative premises and a 90 m2 office space. Located along the Route de Vandoeuvres, the building, in the shape of a long strip with a curved roof, is structured around two courtyards on two different levels. One is for the Roads Department and the other is used by the Fire Department. A large basement connects the two sections together.